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Porn Star Blues (Jazella Moore)

Jazella MooreJazella Moore1 (Anabela Mota Janke) You can be a lot of things in life. Your vision of a career can take all kinds of twists and turns. Who knows how many different occupations you might try before landing in the field that you love? In Fort Myers Beach Florida there is just one rule. Don’t work for the city and marry a porn star. Scott Janke broke that rule. He is the city manager and he was seemingly unaware that the city council was tolerant in many things but they draw the line at having first hand contact with somebody in the porn industry.

I am sure if you go to their closets they have porn. My guess is if you asked the mayor Larry Kiker he has seen porn. He has probably even pleasured himself while watching porn. This is all just speculation. I don’t know anything for sure but my assumption is based solely on the fact of knowing old men. They love keeping things locked away in a closet somewhere but God forbid that anyone ever found out what their true fetishes are. I would normally throw in a Catholic joke here but my kindergarten teacher (who is Catholic) has questioned my reasoning on the constant berating of her religion.

I am not berating her religion but religion in general. Hmmmm, is that worse or better? Jesus, I don’t know. Not slamming the name of Jesus in the last sentence but was really asking Jesus. OK, I digress. What is up with porn? We all skirt around the edges, everyone has seen it at some point in life. Prostitution is the oldest profession for some reason right. I am not condoning anything or condemning I am just saying. Why are there thousands of porn movies made each year. Who watches this crap? Why are porn movies on every pay per view TV in every hotel in America. Is it for the sole reason that men are scared to watch it at home but can’t wait to see it once they are away from their comfy confines of the idealic fantasy we call the suburbs.

Do we really think it is only men. Why do women wear skirts that are barley covering their ass? When was the halter top invented? Who invented those shirts that have a little bra built in just so women don’t have to wear bras? Why are swimsuits the size of dental floss? Has anyone seen the underwear being sold in Target or Wal-Mart. They still have the granny panties for sure but holy shit, it is difficult finding a hanger that you can fasten that little piece of string to.

We as a society seem to love our porn but we just don’t want it coming too close to home. We like the thoughts of being bad but we don’t want anyone believing that we are bad. Are we such a contradiction that we have to fire a man for marrying somebody who is in the porn industry. Are we such hypocrites that we refuse to allow people to marry people of the same sex. You want to know why I slam religion? Do you want to know why I continually bash the Catholic institution? Fine, be careful what you ask for.

I bash religion in general and the Catholic political regime because they judge us. We are judged if we watch porn, we are judged if we are gay, we are judged if we believe in anything that might not conform to some antiquated set of rules that a Priest sitting 10 stories above reality might dictate on a whim that we should follow. I slam the hypocrisy because these same people sit at home in the darkness of their bedroom and watch shit that might make you freak out. I am not saying there are not good people in these organizations I am saying that if I want to have an abortion it should be my decision (again I am not pro or con) just let me decide.

Stop telling me what to do. If I am NOT stealing, or killing my neighbor or bombing the world trade center then get the hell off my back. Don’t point fingers at me. There is one person that has to answer for my actions and that is me. You have no right and I can guarantee you have no substance or ability to judge me.

Give this man back his job, shut the hell up. Let’s all live in tolerance of each other and then I will stop bashing the religious factions. They care nothing about me as a person but have one main goal and that is taking my money, hiring attorneys and then telling me what I can or can’t do.

Peace and love to all.

July 23, 2009 - Posted by | Events, life, News, Politics, Women, Workplace | , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Just how many old men do you know? (Wink – Wink) and what are you doing in their closets. Are all these old men coming out of the closet for you before you go in?

    If you were asking Jesus a question, I think a question mark is in order. You must have learned about the question mark in Kindergarten? Hey Teach – did he learn that from you?

    How much time are you spending in the Ladies Underware department at Target and Walmart – Big Brother is watching you.

    If you bashed religion in general there would be no need of using the word Catholic in every other sentence. Is there some deep seeded pain you are covering by berating the Catholic religion at every turn? Do you secretly want to be a Catholic? Are you afraid of Catholics? What did Catholicism ever do to you? Are any of these old men you know former Catholic priests?

    Did the Catholics fire this man? I thought the city fired him, What does Fort Myers Fla. have to do with Catholics, there are probably more non-Catholics than Catholics down in the bible belt.

    Can you please stop judging people associated with religion. Don’t people have a right to their own belief system, that is the whole point of freedom of religion isn’t it?

    Sorry this wasn’t more eloquent but there just isn’t time.

    How come all the articles about Hollywood starlets get boobie pictures and the article about a porn start gets nada?

    Comment by The Not So Eloquent Moron | July 23, 2009 | Reply

  2. If you really want to laugh at religion you should read about ancient Eygpt and Greece. Them lot are hilarious. When the Ptolemy kings and queens took over they wanted the Egyptians to associate and accept them so they made up gods which were a bit like Greek ones and a bit like Egyptians. What a crock of shit!!!

    Comment by askabloke | July 25, 2009 | Reply

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